Monday, May 18, 2009

Monday, May 4, 2009

The last two legs of the relay.

Hey everyone! I am updating this blog from the last two legs. Can't leave out any minute!

Courtney is finishing strong from his massive hill run... passing on to Lauren . You killed that leg Court! Only 2 legs to go!
P.S. When Court was running, Van 2 witnesses an shady exchange we thought might have been a narcotics deal... we don't have pictures due to the fear that we would be followed if they noticed.

Lauren is all smiles even though she is doing a grueling, steep 500 foot climb. You go Lauren!

We see Lauren coming through to the Exchange... 1 leg to go. Cindy brings it home!

Lauren made it up those massive hills...awesome job!

Cindy up the hill with much needed support from the team! woohoo!

Finish!!! Congratulations Google Leftovers!!!

Google Leftovers Team Photo

Our team posing at the start line all the back in Calistoga. Seems so long ago, doesn't it??

left to right: Sy Na, Ruth Wang, Bruce Li, Courtney Bowman, An Zhu, Misha Zatsman, Lauren Miskelly, Cindy Chin, David Bronner, Cynthia Boedihardjo, Heather Johnson, Eva Woo, Kirsten Yee, David Hansen (not pictured: volunteers Nagendra Modadugu and Dan Liu)


Sunday, May 3, 2009

Results are in!

We finished in 29 hours 59 minutes and 21 seconds!!!  That's very close to our projected time so that's absolutely amazing!!

Amazing Relay, Amazing Teammates, Amazing Race!!!

Google Leftovers make it to the finish!

Google leftovers members celebrate at the finish line at Swanton Berry Farm in Davenport!

Waiting anxiously for Cindy to round the bend up the final hill

Here she comes, with Courtney by her side! Looking so strong! Go Cindy!!

Running in with her and cheering her along

Cindy pushed hard in her final leg -- way to make us proud!

- ruth

Eva rocked her final stretch!

Dave jumps out to run with Eva :)

Look at handoff! Eva's time is 1:12:31!!!

Wonderful Job!! You are done!

Eva dances as she starts her last leg.

Heather comes in at 36:45! You are done. Awesome job Heather!

Heather speeds off- Dave is done!

Dave's time: 43m:46s
Great finish.

Dave finished his leg in 45 min :20 secs

Sy started his leg at 11:27am.
Finished in 39:40
Sy went up 1000 ft within 1 mile!!!

Misha started at 12:08pm
Finished in 28:45
His route was uphill and windy the whole way through

Van #1 is officially done!!!

Dave is off to his last leg

Misha was trucking up the hill and even had a smile up the grueling climb.Congrats Van #1, you did amazingly well! See you at the finish line.
Go Dave.. you got this!

Resting at the Miskelly's

Van #2 Photo- We are on our way to the last leg. Home stretch Leftovers!

Sleeping at Lauren's house- very much needed, Thanks Lauren. :)

Lauren making coffee for the team.. Good Afternoon everyone.

1 more

2 more brands

3 brands

We are a brand marketers dream!

How many brands can you count in Van #2

Dave goes on his last leg!!

You can see his new outfit!

An finishes in 51:26!!

An finishes beautifully!

With a little help from Bruce. =)  Congrats An!! You're done for the DAY!!!!!

Cynthia Finishes!!

Cynthia finishes in just over an hour! 61 minutes, great job Cyn!!

Bruce running with An while she sips some water!

It's sunny again! Perfect day to run!

The guys waiting for An to pass her 3 mile marker

Cynthia's done!! Time to eat again

Cynthia finished in 43 minutes. We're 10 min ahead of schedule

Cynthia en Route!

Cynthia en route!!!

Ruth is DONE! cynthia on her way to being done!

ruth finished in 50 minutes!!! go Ruth!    She's been super consistent at 9 minute miles the WHOLE race!!! Sand bagging by one minute, go Ruth!

Cynthia is now on her way! go Cyn!!!!

Catching up on posts!- Van 2

Hand off from Dave to Eva- Its getting bright out! Dave's Time: 54:49

Lauren sees Eva around the corner and getting ready to blast off!
Eva's time: 46:11

Cindy waiting for Lauren to come through.

The pass-off! Lauren's Time: 29:29

It was raining the whole time! Lauren drying off.

Cindy hands off to Ruth's last leg!!!! Cindy's Time: 57:31

Ruth en Route!

w00t!  go Ruth!  your last leg!! it might be rainy, it might be too warm, but you're kicking it girl!  go get em!

Ruth started at 8:19am and her bf is pacing her on the bike!